Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tips for Tuesday: 001 - Bleach

Living in a house built in the 1930s has its pluses and minuses. The plus category includes hardwood floors, nice woodwork, and a porcelain bathtub. The list of negatives is longer and includes windows that don't want to open, small closets, and a porcelain bathtub with 70+ years use. 

I feel like I can never get my bathtub as clean as it could be. The other day an idea for cleaning my tub popped in my head and it worked and required practically no scrubbing! 

For a particularly stubborn area (before and after below), I soaked a paper towel in bleach and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then all I had to do was wipe it up. I also filled the bathtub with water and put about 1/4 of a cup of bleach in it. I also let that sit for 30 minutes. Be sure to turn on the bathroom vent or open a window to clear out the bleach fumes. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

M.A. in Life

I first had the idea to start a blog shortly after moving to Washington, DC. The move capped off a crazy few months: graduating from college, marrying my best friend, and moving half way across the country. To top it off, it was the first time since Kindergarten that I wasn't in school.

I was always one of the kids who loved school, and, without it, I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. At the same time, my husband was starting Law School, and many other friends were either finishing up undergrad or starting graduate programs. Needless to say, I was feeling left out and to make matters worse, people kept asking me if I had plans to continue my education. Three years later, I’m still not sure whether I want to go back to school, and that’s okay because I’ve realized the old saying, “you learn something new every day” is completely true.

I decided to start this blog as place to keep track of lessons I’ve learned from life. I may not be enrolled in any courses or writing any papers, but I’m definitely working towards my Masters in Life.